Preference falsification theory, developed by Timur Kuran in plain English by the Zman.

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At about 49 minutes I was not able to absorb any more information. Took a break the rewound several minutes and then was able to listen. A lot of good information in this.

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This phenomenon is common when reading Z Man. He is mind altering.

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The Administrative State exists without any Constitutional basis, and has, since its inception. It has subverted Constitutional process since then, and now strives to overtly overthrow Constitutional governance. It is the living embodiment of sedition, and it itself must be overthrown and abolished at all levels.

"The post-New Deal administrative state is unconstitutional, and its validation by the legal system amounts to nothing less than a bloodless constitutional revolution. The original New Dealers were aware, at least to some degree, that their vision of the national government's proper role and structure could not be squared with the written Constitution: The Administrative Process, James Landis's classic exposition of the New Deal model of administration, fairly drips with contempt for the idea of a limited national government subject to a formal, tripartite separation of powers. Faced with a choice between the administrative state and the Constitution, the architects of our modern government chose the administrative state, and their choice has stuck. ... The United States Congress today effectively exercises general legislative powers, in contravention of the constitutional principle of limited powers. Moreover, Congress frequently delegates that general legislative authority to administrative agencies, in contravention of Article I. Furthermore, those agencies are not always subject to the direct control of the President, in contravention of Article II. In addition, those agencies sometimes exercise the judicial power, in contravention of Article III. Finally, those agencies typically concentrate legislative, executive, and judicial functions in the same institution, in simultaneous contravention of Articles I, II, and III. In short, the modern administrative state openly flouts almost every important structural precept of the American constitutional order." The Rise and Rise of the Administrative State, Gary S. Lawson, Boston University School of Law

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A knock on effect of all this is people acting like they've uncovered a hidden truth when they run up against these polite fictions and then allow this supposed discovery to be the centerpiece of their worldview

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The German “Basic Law” is explicitly not a constitution! It is a provisorium, a “quasi” constitution.

If a constitution is the highest legal order in a country, and the Basic Law is not a constitution, then what is the highest legal order in Germany?

For that you need to know that Germany does not yet have a peace treaty with the Allies...

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It is a weird thing. I looked into it and all formal sources say is the constitution of Germany, but it not shaped like one because it was assumed to be temporary. After unification, which was expected to happen soon, then a new constitution would be drafted and submitted to the people. Generations later and here we are.

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Grundgesetz IS the constitution. It was assumed that it would be superseded by the peace treaty with all 4 WW2 allies agreeing to the new constitution. However, Russians under Gorbatchov and Shevardnadze were bought out, so Grundgesetz stayed. Not that any replacement would have made it any better. It is actually simpler to amend compared to the US constitution - all one needs is a 2/3 majority in the lower and upper house. Not 2/3 majority of HoR, Senate PLUS 3/4 majority of the US states.

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"Look at Lindsey Graham, you're better off having a horse in the senate."


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