The Dissident Writer
The Dissident Writer Podcast
Un-Political Thinking

Un-Political Thinking


From time to time, I have mentioned that when it comes to politics, most people use their stupid brain rather than their everyday brain. You see it with the Harvard case where conservatives are celebrating over the ouster of the plagiarizing president, as if this will make any difference to them. Harvard will just replace one antiwhite bigot with another antiwhite bigot, probably one even more nasty than Gay.

It is not that conservatives are stupid, although many of them are quite stupid, it is that they slip into political brain when they look at this issue, rather than use their normal brain that they use everywhere else in their life. Even the people protesting pornography in the schools figured out that it was not just the books, it was the people on the school board that was the problem.

Dissidents like to quote Carl Schmitt about politics being about friends and enemies, but in many respects, this is bad for dissidents. Inside conventional politics it is fine to play Cowboys and Indians, but for dissidents this is a danger. It is how weirdos and lunatics turn up in the ranks and how otherwise useless people make themselves into influencers until they are revealed to be nuts.

That is the show this week. It is about cases where we should put aside our pollical brain and use our normal brain to avoid problems. The tool that helps us navigate the world and avoid dealing with crackpots or getting sucked into to a terrible idea can also help us filter out the same things in politics. We just have to stop thinking politically and instead think like a normal person when it comes to politics.

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