The Dissident Writer
The Dissident Writer Podcast
Majority Minority

Majority Minority


There is plenty of talk about the demographic changes happening in America, but not much thought about where it is headed. Some people mention the fact that the country will be majority-minority in a generation, but no one likes to think about that so that is as far as it ever gets. The people in charge seem to think America will be Brazil but without the favellas and kidnapping industry.

The fact is the social and political structures that have defined America cannot survive the demographic changes that are coming fast. The main reason for that is the majority population, once it becomes just another minority population, cannot continue to think like a majority population. The majority will no longer be able to swap the good of the whole for the good of their group.

Everything about America is the result of the majority population swapping their interest for the interest of the country. This altruism works only when the interests of the country are seen to align with the interest of the dominant majority, which is a thing that comes naturally when the majority is near ninety percent. Once that majority shrinks down to nearly fifty percent this perception collapses.

This is what we see happening all around us. The majority looks around and see nothing but angry minorities, both unhappy with their position in society and totally unwilling to sacrifice anything for the good of the whole. The campus protests, for example, are just another sign that we have reached the tragedy of the commons phase of the demographic collapse of the white majority.

That is the show this week. It is a rumination on how majorities naturally see themselves and how minorities naturally see themselves. Democracy can only work in a majoritarian society. Once a democratic society devolves into a majority-minority society, minoritarianism takes over and democracy is no longer possible. What comes next is from a set of choices most do not relish.

This Week's Show


  • Majority & Minority

  • Majority Attitudes

  • Minority Attitudes

  • Majority Minority

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